Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

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The future of Zambian poverty to 2060: assessing national and sub-national trends across scenarios

Poverty in Zambia is extensive and a persistent problem. Zambia’s recent period of positive macroeconomic performance did not lead to commensurate improvements for the poorest Zambians. Over half of all Zambians live below the national poverty line and about 1 in 3 live on less than $1.00 per day. Long-term trends in development in Zambia suggest that poverty could remain a challenge for many years to come.

This report utilizes the 2015 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS) to understand the current state of poverty in Zambia, and examines the potential long-term future of poverty in Zambia using the International Futures (IFs) forecasting system to project poverty in Zambia at national and provincial levels. In this effort it also projects poverty across scenarios that reflect policy choices and possible patterns of development in Zambia.

Authors: Mickey Rafa, Singumbe Muyeba, Jonathan Moyer, and Taylor Hanna

Download the report here.